eTranslation Services

What Translation Services Do You Need?

japanese dictionary for translation

Translation is a service that not many ordinary people know. On the same note, telling someone that he or she is working as a translator is often met with a blank stare.

Unknown to many, translation is a vital service that individuals, organizations, governments, businesses and almost every industry use for communication, where the parties involved speak different languages. Professional translators bridge the language gap, ensuring that the communication between people who speak different languages is given a solution. 

Major corporations setting up offices and branches in other countries need translation services to ensure that their corporate documents, business proposals, contracts, and all written communication are clearly understood.

At the center of things is language. Translation ensures that documents written in one language are understood by people who speak another language. Before we delve deeper into the intricacies of translation itself, let’s look at the types of translation services so you do not get confused.

Types of translation services

It is difficult to exactly define the types of translation services, as they can differ depending on your perspective. Despite the translation industry, not that popularly known, it is a huge industry, which is expected to have a worldwide revenue of about $56 billion by 2021. In the United States, the federal government alone spent $5.8 trillion on translation and interpretation services in 2018, according to the 2019 U.S. Industry Statistics & Market Research – Translation & Interpretation Services.

Now you have an idea of the critical importance of translation services. Language services providers offer different types of translation services, most of them done by humans, for general and specialized translations.

Translation services are offered by language services providers (LSPs) that employ a team of professional translators and interpreters, offering a wider range of services in different language combinations. Some of the agencies specialize in the type of translation services, such as finance, medicine or law. A project manager and a QA system (editing and proofing) are part of a translation team.

Freelance translators who work on their own offer the service as well. They find clients and communicate directly with them, so the relationship is more personalized. The downside is that they only work in one language pair and specialization. QA is done by themselves as well.

Translation agencies offer translation services in various fields, according to the knowledge and experience of their translators. In this category, you will find:

  • General translation – the most basic type of translation service, typically used for everyday communication
  • Certified translations – to meet specific official requirements such as immigration, foreign education, and foreign business
  • Literary translations – for different types of literature
  • Technical translations – for technical documents such as manuals, product descriptions, etc. for IT, electronics, mechanics, engineering, manufacturing and more
  • Medical translations – for medical services, manufacturers of medical devices and pharmaceuticals, results of clinical trials
  • Legal translations – focused on the legal system and the law
  • Financial translations – focused on banking, assets and financial management
  • Administrative/commercial/business translations – for documents and correspondence used by businesses and government institutions
  • Localization – for websites, products and services, elearning, video games, software

Regular translation services

Most types of translation are regular translation services that most translation agencies and freelancers offer.

These include technical translation of documentation for the industrial, mechanics, electronics, IT, and  engineering industries. Translators should have technical industry experience and knowledge of specific terminology.

If you are from the healthcare industry, you will benefit from medical translation. On the other hand, most corporations and industries require business, commercial, financial and legal translations.

Publishing companies and book authors often employ professional translators for literary translations, so that the readers can enjoy more literary gems from different nations.

Certified translation services

A certified translation is used for official purposes, representing a legal record that attests to the accuracy of the translation – that the translation contains the original meaning of the source document. 

The process of creating a certified translation is the same as other translation types. But certified translation, which is also called official translation, is focused on official documents such as:

  • Birth/death certificates
  • Adoption papers
  • Marriage/divorce certificates
  • Divorce rulings
  • Death certificates
  • Real estate deeds and wills
  • Contracts/leases/financial records
  • Police records
  • Patent documentation
  • Medical/financial records
  • Academic records such as diplomas, course credits, transcript of records, etc.

The translation is accompanied by a document that contains the following:

  • Statement of the qualification of the translator
  • Statement confirming the accuracy and completeness of the document
  • Identification of the language and the translated document
  • The name and signature of the translator or translation agency representative and the date

You need certified translation if you want to immigrate, apply for enrolment in a foreign university or conduct business with foreign government institutions and corporations.

These are the types of translation services language services providers offer. Do you need translation services? eTranslation Services offers professional translation solutions for a variety of clients. For fast, accurate and competitively priced translations, get in touch with us at (800) 882-6058 or send us an email at [email protected].

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